Gemina Laboratories and ReadyGo Diagnostics Achieve Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Diagnosis in Saliva

Gemina Laboratories and ReadyGo Diagnostics Achieve Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Diagnosis in Saliva

Gemina Laboratories Ltd. is pleased to announce significant technical results from its collaboration with ReadyGo Diagnostics Ltd., an isothermal molecular diagnostics developer based in Bath, UK. The collaboration which began in January 2023 has demonstrated the successful feasibility of detecting Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in a saliva matrix using the ReadyGo GEO platform. This breakthrough in MTB detection paves the way for affordable testing which will have the potential to significantly impact MTB eradication efforts in countries such as India, Indonesia, and other affected regions worldwide.

Gemina Laboratories Ltd., a client of our Bristol Investor Relations company, is a specialist in fast, affordable, and accurate diagnostic tests.

Read the full press release here: Gemina Laboratories and ReadyGo Diagnostics Achieve Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Diagnosis in Saliva

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