Advanced Health Intelligence Ltd: Shareholder Update – FDA and Stellenbosch Study

Advanced Health Intelligence Ltd: Shareholder Update – FDA and Stellenbosch Study

Advanced Health Intelligence Ltd has provided a shareholder update regarding technology progress and the Stellenbosch University study. The shareholder update aims to offer detailed insight into the ongoing development, launch and release of their BHA, the company’s ground-breaking smartphone-based biometric health assessment. Further details explain the actions the company is taking to launch its robust, peer reviewed and validated technology with a study, enabled by Stellenbosch University. In working with Stellenbosch University AHI seek to validate the purpose and significance of its biometric health assessment, and in doing so, demonstrate AHI’s traction to academic, clinical and commercial communities of our commitment to supporting the innovation in global healthcare.

Advanced Health Intelligence Ltd, a client of our Bristol Investor Relations company, delivers scalable health assessment, risk stratification and digital triage capabilities to healthcare providers, insurers, employers, and government agencies all over the world via proprietary technology and processes.

Read the full press release here: Advanced Health Intelligence Ltd: Shareholder Update – FDA and Stellenbosch Study

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